Stepping Thru Interior Elements & Access — Webinar from AIA Long Beach/South Bay


Qualifies for California Coursework Requirements on Disability Access

in-person or via live webinar using ZOOM


AIA LBSB Members $125
AIA Members $150
Non-AIA Members $220

NOTE: All prices increase by $25 after August 16. Registration closes September 3.

Once you step thru the door into the building you encounter different elements, each with its own parameters, and all connected by a circulation path. There are requirements not only for the item itself but also how it relates to the facility as a whole. Whether furniture or cabinetry, drinking fountains or sinks, machines or telephones, desk/table or counter seating, all are overlaid with their own requirements relating to reach ranges, clear floor space, and operating force. We will review a number of these elements regarding their technical and scoping requirements to better increase our language and understanding for accessible design.

Different interior elements typically encountered once you step thru the door can either create or interfere with an accessible environment – we will examine a number of these items along with their requirements


  • Understand the scoping and technical requirements for various interior components including seating, counters, kitchenettes, & controls.
  • Review reach range and clear floor space requirements and their relationship to the accessible route.
  • Learn about the requirements for adjacency and dispersion within a space or a building.
  • Overview lighting parameters in interior environments, and their impact on health and aging.