In this course, we first examine what stone wool is, the history, the production and common uses in residential construction for mineral wool insulation. We then go more in detail of designing a wall with durability in mind. We discuss different water/air barriers and the non use of vapor barriers in a design.

This training is best suited for both builders and architects. Since we will be discussing multiple options we will also go into a good, better and best option – affordable efficiency is possible with stone wool. Vapor open and air tight is a great design element when designing a durable and energy efficient home.

At the end of the presentation, we will discuss actual projects that we have completed with the Vapor Open Air Tight design.

Continuing Education Units (CEUS) 1 hour in

  • Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI)
  • Building Performance Institute (BPI) NonWholeHouse
  • American Institute of Architects – AIA (HSW) 
  • Certified Green Professional (NARI & CGP)
  • Certified GreenHome Professional (CGHP)
  • AIBD
  • State Architect / Builder License may be applicable

Lessons Learned

-Designing a wall with energy efficiency and durability in mind.

-Vapor barriers – do we need them? Learn about how vapor barriers improve the livability and well-being of a structures’ occupants.

-Reducing condensation and how to effectively move the dew point.

-Design homes that will dry in all seasons and view actual projects that are vapor open and air tight.

Instructor: Dan Edelman