In keeping with our mission to advance a vital profession and our strategic priority of building and mentoring the profession, the AIA Minnesota Board of Directors created a special task force in the spring of 2023. Prompted by recent expansion of options to promote licensure from NAAB for architects and the Minnesota licensing board for landscape architects, the task force was asked to explore potential licensure paths that do not require a NAAB-accredited degree, and creating recommendations to share with the Board, AIA Minnesota members, and the Minnesota Board of AELSAGID (the licensing board).
The task force, made up of members from several key stakeholder groups, reviewed the pathways in the 17 states that allow a licensure path without a NAAB-accredited degree, as well as resources from NCARB related to licensure options, and developed a recommendation that has been approved in draft form by the AIA Minnesota Board of Directors.
Join us for a Town Hall meeting to learn about the proposed equivalent path to licensure and to share your questions and thoughts. Feedback will be reviewed by the task force as they prepare a revised draft for the AIA Minnesota Board of Directors to take a position this fall.
You will receive draft documents for review prior to the Town Hall meeting. Register »