Join America Walks and our partners from the tribal community planning world on Tuesday, June 23rd for Part 1 in our Walking Towards Justice in Indian Country series.
Titled Tribal Transportation Planning and Pedestrian Safety, this first webinar will ask why pedestrian fatalities are so prevalent in tribal communities. American Indians and Alaska Natives are much more likely to be killed while walking than any other racial or ethnic group with a recorded pedestrian death rate almost five times the national average. And these shocking statistics probably understate the true disparity because of a fragmented reporting system.
Webinar panelists representing government agencies, research organizations, and the communities of Pueblo of Laguna and Yakama Nation will provide an overview of the pedestrian fatality/injury data and explore potential solutions to this problem. Participants will learn how cultural heritage, communication challenges, and jurisdictional issues involving tribal, state, and federal governments have contributed to pedestrian fatalities, and presenters will discuss case studies in which collaboration, a unified advocacy voice, and safety campaigns are starting to improve outcomes.
This webinar will also provide important background information for the second webinar in the Walking Towards Justice in Indian Country series on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, which is scheduled for August.
Learn more and register here >