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Tuesday, April 20 and 27
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
This virtual ARE review will be presented via Zoom and is designed to introduce and prepare ARE candidates for the ARE 5.0 divisions titled “Practice Management” and “Project Management”. The class is two sessions long with part 1 on April 20 and part 2 on April 27.
Dan Grothe, AIA, Cuningham Group Architecture
Kristine Kubes, Esq., Kubes Law Office
Heidi Neumueller, AIA – Cuningham Group Architecture
Feedback from previous offerings of this review by these instructors:
- “Enthusiastic presentation!”
- “Great overview of the content and high level descriptions to jump start studying.”
- “It helps eliminate the shot in the dark aspect of this process.”
- “Thorough coverage of topics and highlighted issues.”
Registration fee
$50 AIA Minnesota members
$70 NonMembers