Thursday, October 29
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

  • Are you a mid-career AIA Minnesota member interested in honing your leadership skills? Attend the Open House and hear how Leadership Forum can help!
  • Are you a mid-career AIA Minnesota member from Greater Minnesota! The 2021 Leadership Forum will be virtual and accessible to all eligible members regardless of where you live.
  • Are you a firm leader? Encourage someone from your firm to apply for the 2021 Leadership Forum.
  • Are you a Leadership Forum alumni? Reach out to colleagues and ask them to join you at the Open House to hear what the 2021 Leadership Forum has to offer.

A Virtual Leadership Forum

The 2021 Leadership Forum will be totally virtual. This year’s Forum began with face-to-face sessions for the first three months, and then transitioned to Zoom sessions. We learned what works and what doesn’t and we will use those lessons-learned to make the 2021 Forum even better. As we move further into the year, we’ll assess the safety of scheduling a few optional, in-person, social gatherings beyond the virtual learning sessions. We hope an all virtual Leadership Forum will make participation accessible for our mid-career members throughout the State.

Eligibility to apply includes AIA Minnesota members, licensed, with ten years total career experience. Applications will be available on October 29. The application deadline is November 30.

Plan to attend the Open House to hear more details of the 2021 Forum and hear what a few 2020 graduates have to say about their experience. Sign up now.


Contact Deanna Christiansen