Work with an Architect | AIA Minnesota
  • Work with an Architect

AIA Minnesota has developed information to help consumers learn about how to hire and work with an architect as well as what to expect in the building process. Download the PDF versions below or contact the AIA Minnesota office for a hard copy.

Work with an Architect

Work with an Architect – TopicA

AIA National has developed a website resource to help you discover the value in hiring an architect.  Learn what to…
Work with an Architect

Architecture MN Guide to Working With An Architect

An introductory guide for those who haven’t collaborated with an architect before, including first-hand comments from architect-client teams.
Work with an Architect

Firm Directory

A searchable directory of all AIA member-architects and firms, providing information about firm size, areas of specialty, recent projects and…
Work with an Architect

You and Your Architect

This publication helps you define your needs and expectations when starting a construction project, whether a public building or private…
Work with an Architect

Home of the Month

AIA Minnesota partners with the Star Tribune to select and feature a different residential project each month in the Sunday…