Next Steps on Licensure Pathways

by Mary-Margaret Zindren, EVP/Executive Director

In bringing you all up to speed on where we are and where we are going related to alternative/equivalent paths to licensure, I’d like to start with gratitude. 

Thank you to every member who shared opinions, insights, and experiences related to licensure over the past two years that we have been looking at this issue. The thoughts you shared substantially influenced the work of the task force that researched and put forward recommendations in Fall 2023, and the policy position that was adopted by the AIA MN Board of Directors in December 2023.

With this foundational policy set, we are now embarking on a new effort – one that will seek to engage many more members in shaping a more detailed policy position to bring forward to the Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID. 

A reconstituted task force has been formed – larger and with greater representation from firm leaders and members outside the Twin Cities metro – which will be chaired by AIA Minnesota Past President Ann Voda, AIA, president and principal owner of Bentz/Thompson/Rietow, Inc. 

The Licensure Pathways Task Force will conduct its work from now through the end of 2025, at which time the AIA Minnesota Board of Directors would anticipate making recommendations to the licensing board – it is the licensing board that will ultimately determine whether any change to licensing rules is made.

The Licensure Pathways Task Force will meet regularly starting this summer. They will work through the research gathered and analyzed to date and build upon it.  Key to this research is member perspectives – including YOUR perspective. They will be conducting a survey and creating opportunities to weigh in during the AIA MN Conference on Architecture. There will likely be more Town Halls and other meetings as well. Our goal is to make sure that everyone is aware of, and ideally takes advantage of, multiple opportunities to make their voice heard

So will you help us dig into this important issue? Watch for announcements of engagement opportunities in your email, here in Matrix, on our website, and at AIA Minnesota events. And you can always ask me, members of the AIA Minnesota Board of Directors, or Sheri Hansen any questions – we’re always happy to hear from you!

Viewthe June 2024 edition of Matrix.