The Building Codes Knowledge Community uses its monthly meeting as a forum for roundtable discussions on future codes being considered for adoption and real-time case studies where codes have impacted a project, as well as for guest speakers to share their code expertise with the group.

Knowledge Community mission statement:
Inform members of changes to codes, assist governing bodies in code development, and seek harmony between those who design and those who enforce codes.

Co-chairs: David Selinsky, AIA
Staff liaison: Deanna Christiansen, Hon. AIAMN
Meeting date: Second Wednesday of the month at 12:00 pm


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The hard copy of the Minnesota Building Code is available for pre-order on the ICC website at Projected to be available mid-April.

The read-only version of the Minnesota Building Code is available at

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NFPA 285
With recent high rise façade fires in the news and the role of combustible plastics in the building envelope under scrutiny, understanding NFPA 285 and paths to compliance are more important than ever. Below are links to some recent publications and reports on this timely topic.
NFPA285 Fire Hazards of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components
NFPA285 Fire Test’s Impact on Architectural Design and Energy Performance
NFPA285 in the field pt104122018
NFPA285 in the field pt204122018
Noncombustible def 04112018
State of the Art of NFPA285