Midwest Accredited Architecture Programs
- Dunwoody College of Technology – School of Design, Minneapolis, MN
- NAAB Program Information:
- Degree – Bachelor of Architecture
- Track – B. Arch (158 credit hours)
- 2+3 years (after 2 years, AAS degree, continue on to the full 5 years, then BArch)
- School also has a 2 year Architectural Drafting & Design program (Associate of Applied Science Degree)
- NAAB Program Information:
- University of Minnesota – College of Design, Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN
- NAAB Program Information:
- Degree – Master of Architecture
- Track – M. Arch (Undergraduate degree + 90 graduate credit hours)
- 4 + 3.5 years or 4+3 years
- Degree – Master of Architecture
- Track – M. Arch (Pre-Professional Degree + 59 graduate credit hours)
- 4 + 2 years
- NAAB Program Information:
- Undergraduate Degree Options:
- Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BS Arch)
- for students who are interested in a thorough sequence of coursework that focuses on architecture and design at the building scale and for building systems
- Bachelor of Design in Architecture (BDA)
- flexible, self-directed degree for students keenly interested in architecture, design, design experimentation, making, and creative arts
- Graduate Degree Options:
- Master of Heritage Studies & Public History
- Master of Science in Architecture – Metropolitan Design Track
- Master of Science in Architecture- Research Practices Track
- Master of Science in Architecture – Sustainable Design Track
- Design PhD: Architecture
- Undergraduate Degree Options:
- Iowa State University – College of Design, Ames, IA
- NAAB Program Information:
- Degree – Bachelor of Architecture
- Track – B. Arch (166 undergraduate credit hours)
- 5 year program (1 intro year + 4 degree years)
- Track – B. Arch (166 undergraduate credit hours)
- Degree – Bachelor of Architecture
- NAAB Program Information:
- Degree – Master of Architecture
- Track – M. Arch (Undergraduate degree + 100 graduate credit hours)
- Targeted towards those without Architect Undergrad Degrees
- Degree – Master of Architecture
- Also offers a Master of Science in Architecture (30 credits)
- Research degree
North Dakota
- North Dakota State University – School of Design, Architecture and Art (SoDAA), Fargo, ND
- NAAB Program Information
- Degree – Master of Architecture
- Track – M. Arch. (prerequisite + 32 graduate credits)
- 1 intro year + 3-year Bachelor of Science in Architecture + 1 year Master of Architecture
- Alternative:
- Degree – Bachelor of Science in Architecture (pre-professional)
- Track – BS Arch
- 1 intro year + 3 Degree years
- NAAB Program Information
South Dakota
- South Dakota State University – School of Design, Brookings, SD
- NAAB Program Information:
- Degree – Master of Architecture
- Track – M. Arch. [97 credit hours of professional study preceded by either 71 credit hours of non-professional architectural studies at SDSU or a B.Sc./B.A./B.F.A. in another field]
- (2 year M. Arch if 4-year undergraduate architecture degree; 3 year M. Arch if undergraduate degree in field other than architecture)
- Also offer a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture (BFA-Arch)
- Track BFA-Arch
- 1 intro year + 3 degree years
- Studio-based education
- Track BFA-Arch
- NAAB Program Information:
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee – School of Architecture and Urban Planning (SARUP), Milwaukee, WI
- NAAB Program Information
- Degree – Master of Architecture
- Track – M. Arch. (Pre-professional degree + 2 years)
- NAAB Program Information
- Degree – Master of Architecture
- Track – M. Arch. (Undergraduate degree + 3 1/2 years)
- Undergraduate Degree Options:
- Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Science Architectural Studies
- Graduate Degree Options:
- Master of Science in Architecture
- Ph.D. in Architecture
This list has been compiled and updated as of Summer 2024.