Activity 1 Sustainable design
- How does a skyscraper consume less but perform better?
Skyscrapers make an efficient use of land by placing people and their activities (living, working, learning, playing) vertically. But the increased density of people also increases the need for and use of energy and resources. Architects and engineers are now working to design skyscrapers that use far less energy even to the point of zero energy skyscrapers.
Further design your skyscraper that uses strategies for lowering water and energy consumption, and reducing the carbon footprint. Check out “Supporting materials” for inspiration.
Level 1
– Reflect Day 5 activities for the concept of sustainable design and strategies.
– Design one sustainable strategy in your project.
– Make a poster to illustrate your sustainable design as detail as possible. by writing and/or drawing.
Level 2
– Reflect Day 5 activities for the concept of sustainable design and strategies.
– Design one sustainable strategy of ventilation in your project.
– Refer to Activity 2&3 on Day 5, make a poster to illustrate your design and the synergy by writing and/or drawings.
Level 3
– Reflect Day 5 activities for the concept of sustainable design and strategies.
– Design one sustainable strategy of ventilation in your project.
– Refer to Activity 2&3 on Day 5, make a poster to illustrate your design and the synergy by writing (using vocabulary) and plan & section drawings.
Level 4
– Reflect Day 5 activities for the concept of sustainable design and strategies.
– Design one sustainable strategy of ventilation and another system in your project.
– Refer to Activity 2&3 on Day 5, make a poster to illustrate your design and the synergy by writing (using vocabulary) and plan & section drawings.