Activity 1 Find systems
- What systems are supporting a skyscraper’s life?
We discussed the skeleton – structural system, which helps a skyscraper to stand up. But, that’s not enough.
A skyscraper needs multiple systems to support its life. For example, it needs ventilation, water pumping, air conditioning to breathe, keep clean, and maintain temperature.
Other systems, like lighting, elevators, waste disposal, are also critical to ensure its function. What other systems can you find?
Checkout “Supporting materials” below for architectural illustration of some systems.
Level 1
– Research the definitions of as many systems as you can.
– Locate those systems in your favorite skyscraper.
– Draw a poster to callout the systems.
Level 2
– Research the definitions of at least three systems.
– Locate those systems in your favorite skyscraper.
– Draw a poster to callout the systems.
Level 3
– Add the definitions of at least three systems to your flashcards.
– Research how to architecturally locate and illustrate those systems.
– Draw a poster to architecturally illustrate the systems in your favorite skyscraper.
Level 4
– Add the definition of at least three systems to your flashcards.
– Research how to architecturally locate and illustrate those systems.
– Draw a poster to architecturally illustrate the systems in your favorite skyscraper in sections.