AIA Minnesota is proud to recognize our members and partners through a number of awards.

For more information on any of these award programs, see the menu on the left.

Award Programs

25 Year Award — The submission window for the 2024 award closes July 19.

Affordable Housing Design Award — Next submission window in 2024.

Residential Architect of Distinction Award — The submission window for the 2024 award has closed.

Collaborative Achievement Awards — The submission window for the 2024 awards closes July 19.

Residential Emerging Architect Award — The submission window for the 2024 award has closed.

Gold Medal — The submission window for the 2024 award closes August 30.

Firm Award — Next submission window in summer 2025.

Honor Awards — The submission window for the 2024 awards opens August 1 and closes September 27.

Louis Lundgren Award for Service — The submission window for the 2024 award closes July 19.

Next Gen Award — Next submission window in spring 2025.

Young Architects Award — Next submission window in spring 2025.